Majestic Transportation Services & Limo Inc.
Do you want to celebrate this year’s Memorial Day with the family? If that is the case, planning a weekend getaway is one of the best things you can do. Kids love Memorial Day because it’s the unofficial kick-off to summer, and you can make this even more special by introducing activities such as tuning into the National Memorial Day Concert or Organizing Lawn Games. Nonetheless, here are our top 5 tips for planning a fun family trip for this special event.
The best way to organize fun family trips is to make group decisions before you start packing! It’s important to check in with everyone and ask them what they would like to do the most in terms of activities. This will help you make a reservation. Another great idea here is to ask your kids what items they couldn’t simply live without. This way, you will have a much easier time packing the essentials.
No matter where you are planning to travel for Memorial Day, whether it’s the beach or the mountain resort, traffic will be a problem. On the bright side of things, this doesn’t need to be your concern. Professional ground transportation companies offer group travel services that you can book for your family. Instead of stressing about finding the fastest routes to the destination or getting stuck in traffic, everyone can sit back and have a good time.
There is no better time to make hotel or airline reservations than now. Use online research to find the best prices and make reservations ahead of time. It’s also important to read customer reviews when booking a hotel. Make sure that you also pay attention to the bad reviews when selecting the hotel. If you begin your online research for the family trip today, you will have every little detail down by the end of the week.
If you are planning to fly, getting familiar with the airport and airline regulations for family travel is essential. Make sure to visit the TSA website and check out all the details regarding what type of baggage you can have on the flight and what special procedures security use for screening children under 12. In addition, you should consider booking a professional airport transportation service so that you don’t have to worry about making it to the flight on time.
If traveling far from home is not possible because the kids are too young, camping out in the backyard is always fun. You can pitch a tent and cook marshmallows over a fire. We guarantee that your kids will love them! You can also organize some lawn games such as hopscotch, mini-golf or set up an outdoor movie screen. Since there will be so many fun things to do in your backyard, you should consider inviting the neighbors and their kids.
Posted on Apr 26th 2022